ISO 9001:2015 ABS #54215

Monthly Archives: November 2016

Why Talented Houston Machinists Call TCR Inc. Home

As an ISO 9001:2015 Certified shop focused on large and complex parts, we have to be picky with who we’ve hired. While Houston machinists are plentiful, only a handful can truly make the cut. Thankfully, our reputation as a leader in the industry attracts the machinists we’re looking for. Here’s a few more reason why…
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Job Shop vs. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Partner

What matters more, the parts or the service? For the O&G, aviation, and research and development companies who trust our ISO 9001:2015 Certified Houston machine shop, the answer is both. They need quality parts for their critical equipment, but they also expect excellent service. Take a look at shops that focus on the work and…
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